Saturday, February 21, 2015

Battle Of Evermore (Live) Heart HD

Just stumbled on this one while looking for Led Zeppelin covers.

Sunday, June 22, 2014

Research for the Primary Election held in Tulsa, OK on June 24th, 2014

Below are a bunch of links that I used for the upcoming June 24th Primaries in Tulsa OK. This is mainly for the local stuff that people don't usually have a clue about, to include me. These are probably the most important to know about since they have so much to do with our lives.

Oklahoma Superintendent of Public Instruction
Insurance Commissioner
Corporation Commissioner - The Oklahoma Corporation Commission is a three person elected executive board in the Oklahoma state government. The commission is a regulatory agency, with an emphasis on the fuel, oil and gas, public utilities, and transportation industries.
District Attorney – District 14

 DA and Judges
The current DA is stepping down and this position is opening up. According to my friend at the DA's office, the right guy is Fred Jordan

If you happen to be my neighbor, the guy you want to vote for is Glassco. The others candidates are "raging liberal defense attorneys."

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Top 10 Cheesiest One-Hit Wonders of the 1980s

Sorry but Europa and the Pirate Twins from Thomas Dolby made it to #37 in the U.S. charts and a very good song. It also means that Thomas Dolby is also not technically a one hit wonder.

I think Frankie goes to Hollywood is also not a 1 hit wonder. Their first 3 hits went to to number 1, These were Relax, Two Tribes and The Power of Love. All played so extensively that my ears bled. There was also "Welcome to the Pleasure Dome" which peaked at #2. Please see

Monday, January 21, 2013

That's why they don't play the game!

49ers are going to the Superbowl

As I am celebrating the San Francisco 49ers beating the Atlanta Falcons and reaching the Superbowl, I got to thinking. What if the BCS system of choosing the best team in football were used in the NFL, or even in other sports?

If the BCS system were imposed on the NFL, the Superbowl would be a lot different. Essentially, it would be the top seed in each conference. This year, it would probably have been the Atlanta Falcons against the Denver Broncos. Last year, there would not have been the Cinderella New York Giants emerging from the bottom of the Wild Card to win the Superbowl. The match up would have been the New England Patriots versus the Green Bay Packers. In fact, the Packers might have been voted the number one team in America by the UPI if voting was done the way it was done by the UPI up until the early '70's. The Alabama Crimson Tide has that dubious distinction of having been voted National Champions and then losing it's bowl game. (Roll Tide!) We could go back a lot further in time, but I think you get my point.

Now what would happen if the BCS system were imposed on NCAA basketball? It's technically the same organization, so why not? It would be easy to see that the makeup of the championships would be completely different. There is only one time that I can remember where all 4 of the top seeds actually made it to the Final Four. If the championship was voted on and then decided by the HAL-9000, it would be a completely different beast. Lots of meaningless bowl games would be played and out would pop a national champion.

How about we also impose the BCS on soccer. I think it would be great!! The U.S. would win the World Cup every time it came up since there are simply more sports writers and coaches in the U.S. and would therefore vote the U.S. to the World Champions. Just think! The L.A. Galaxy would be voted the world champs as well. Soccer would probably catch on a lot more here. I can't wait to see the arguments about which 0-0 game with a shootout win deserves a higher vote due to more shootout goals being scored. Or even Manchester United being considered better because of a 3-1 over Newcastle than FC Barcelona who only beat Real Madrid 1-0. It would drive the Europeans crazy, so I definitely think we should try it!

Just think how the BCS would improve all kinds of sports like Archery, curling, hockey, baseball and Nascar.
OK, now that we've gone on our happy little trip to Bizzaro World, let's come back to reality. We all know that the BCS, the Bowl Championship Series, the method to rank Division 1A football teams is a sham.It's a system where lots of sports writers and coaches vote for or rank teams they think are the best, throw that information into a computer and out pops the top teams in the country.

The Bison are the NCAA Div 1-AA Champions

I realize that every other team sport in the world implements some kind of playoff system, to include Division 1-AA and 2 football. (All hail the Bison of North Dakota State) Division 1A football is different. Unlike any other sport, it matters which division you are in. It matters how good people think you are in the preseason. Scheduling powder puff teams in lower divisions matter because then a team can win enough games to qualify for the Mediocrity Bowl. It is also not possible to have a playoff system. There are only 44 days from when the season ends until the championship game is played. We can't do a playoff system because there are a bunch of mediocre bowls being played with 6-6 teams that only those teams alma mater watch.

Yes, I know Major League Baseball takes less time to run their playoffs, but they have 5-7 game series to run through, so obviously, NCAA Football can't do it.

I know that every team sport all the way down to Little League Baseball have some kind of playoff system, so there are various ways to do it. Here is one of about a thousand ways to do it. There are currently 11 conferences in Div. 1A football plus the independents  We could do something crazy like take conference champions and some wild cards and create a 16 team bracket, much like NCAA basketball's Sweet 16. A champion could be crowned in 4 weeks or 28 days and only 16 teams would be effected. The other teams that did not make the playoffs could go on and continue to play in the mediocrity bowls. I also believe that a ton of money would be made with this or any kind of playoff system.

There is something that Chris Berman always says when comparing teams on paper and reporting how they actually did. "That's why they play the game!. In Division 1-A football, the game is never played.