Monday, November 5, 2012

Useful Election Links for Tulsa Election - Nov, 2012

I've put together some useful links for voting in Tulsa County. On the state questions, I tried to find something on each side of the issue, but some just don't have a decent web presence. Anyways, please make an informed vote on each item. Your comments are appreciated as well as your opinions on any of the items below.

Where do I vote?

US House
Jim Bridenstine (R)
John Olson (D)
Craig Allen (I)

Election Resources
Tulsa County Pricinct Map
Tulsa County District Map
Tulsa County State Senate Map
Tulsa County State House Map
Tulsa County Sample Ballots
List of Tulsa County Elected Officials

Vision 2
Vision 2 Summary
Tulsa World Article on Vision 2
Tulsa Beacon Editorial Against Vision 2
Vision 2 Wish List

State Questions
Summary of State Questions
Another Summary
State Question 758 Explanation. (Cap on property taxes)
Article on 758
State Question 759 (Ban on Affirmative Action)
For 762 (Remove governor from parole hearings on non-violent crimes)
Gov. Fallin Against 762
For 764
Against 764
766 (Intangiable Tax Ban)

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