Sunday, January 6, 2013

We Can Remember It for You Wholesale

I just watched the latest movie of Total Recall. This is a remake of one my favorite movies from the early '90s and one of my favorite stories from Phillip K. Dick, "We Can Remember it for you Wholesale".

This movie stars Colin Farell as Doug Quaid/Hauser, which was done by Arnold Schwarzenegger in the original movie. Kate Beckinsale plays Quaid's wife which was originally played by Sharon Stone. Jessica Biel plays Quaid's girlfriend Melina, which was originally played by Rachel Ticitin.

Obviously, no one can replace Arnold in this classic Arnold role. However, in this retelling of the story, Collin Farrell does a great job playing the character of Doug Quaid. He is very likable and brings a certain intensity to the role.

This movie had nothing to do with Mars, which was the main point of the original movie and story. Instead, this movie takes place on an earth where most of it is uninhabitable due to chemical warfare. The only habitable places left are the U.K. and Australia. There is an elevator that goes through the center of the Earth so that people may commute between the two locations. The movie mostly follows the original movie and gives some nods to the original. Both movies are fairly different from the original story but follow the same theme of the guy who goes to Recall or Rekall to have memories implanted, only to find that there are already memories implanted and that the procedure blows the memory cap in place, releasing all kinds of mayhem.

I kind of expected that the end of the new movie, Quaid would find a way to remove the chemical contamination that was inflicting most of the Earth due to the fact that Cohaagan, the Earth's dictator, had a secret way to repair it but was keeping it hidden so he could control the people.

This movie is really good. It follows the Blues Brothers formula of wreckage and mayhem. Many modern police cars are destroyed along with many RoboCops. The story still remains smart and intense. I very much enjoyed it and give it 5 stars out of 5.

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