Sunday, April 29, 2012

Confessions of a Global Warming Agnostic

Sometimes I wonder. What if Al Gore is right? What if man made global warming is real and those poor polar bears are about to fall into the ocean and drown? Obviously, we should do something about it!

What we should obviously do is encourage forms of energy that don't produce as much carbon dioxide. We obviously should encourage more nuclear and hydroelectric power by removing the barriers that exist in their expansion. Yes, there are safety and environmental issues with both these types of energy, however, these risks can be mitigated through good engineering practices and proper risk analysis.

I believe the free market will push us towards these technologies. The cost per kilowatt hour for nuclear (4 cents/kwh) and hydroelectric(3 cents/kwh) is less then any other form of energy, except for coal (4 cents/kwh). Compare that with the cost of solar (22 cents/kwh), natural gas (10 cents/kwh) and wind (8cents.kwh). (see Comparing Energy Costs of Nuclear, Coal, Gas, Wind and Solar by James Morgan) Of all these energy sources, they are a lot less carbon intensive. Nuclear and hydro-electric lead the way and are on the same level as solar and wind.

Energy Source Greenhous Gasses*
Coal 900
Oil  850
Gas combined-cycle 400
Biomass 45
Multi-crystaline silicon (solar) 37
Cadmium teruride (solar) 18
Nuclear 24
Wind 11
*(grams/kwh of Co2 equivalent)
From How Free is Solar? by Sandra Upson

My view is that we should just allow nuclear and hydroelectric to be further developed. We don't even need to subsidize them. We just need to stay out of their way. We obviously should not remove any safety or environmental requirements, but we should remove those that are simply put in place to prevent their development.

I do realize that I am blaspheming against the Holy Order of Mother Earth Fanatics. Nuclear and hydro-electric (aka damn power) are cardinals sins. I know that now I must ask forgiveness of the high priest and prophet himself, Al Gore. But then again, I am just a global warming agnostic. I neither believe nor do I disbelieve. I am just saying, that if it's really as bad Al Gore says it is, we should move our energy production  to ways that are less carbon intensive.

The technology for nuclear and hydro-electric is here now. We don't have to wait for someone to invent the perpetual motion machine, or for wind, solar, hydrogen, switch-grass or whatever else to become more commercially viable.

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Worst Cartoons Ever

Since I did a post for world's greatest cartoons, I thought I would tell you about the worst cartoons ever. I am only going to include cartoons that I've seen. These are ones that cause me serious pain to watch, kind of like watching Jersey Shores. I can feel brain cell die when I watch these. I am sure there are many more hideous cartoons out there and I would sure like to know if I have left any off.

Pokemon - I never watched this as a kid. My youngest son loves this show and it makes me hurl every time I see it.

Battle of the Plannets - This is one that I only watched a few times as a kid. This one was so bad that it left me scarred for life. I blame all my problems in life on this cartoon. This is a bad Japanese mix of Star Wars and the X-Men. The problem back then is we did not have 10 different 24-7 cartoon networks that we could just change to, so I would just sit and watch it. Of course it wouldn't occur to me to turn off the TV and do something better. I still have nightmares about  the R2-D2 knockoff, 7-Zark-7, coming to torment me.
Battle of the Planets.gif

Johnny Bravo - A big dumb guy who talks like an Elvis impersonator and his "crazy" stalker type antics to try to pick up "the honeys". Seriously painful to watch.
Johnny Bravo intertitle.jpg

Any cartoon that featured Scrappy Doo - I love Scooby Doo. I just hate Scrappy Doo. I think everyone hates Scrappy Doo which is why he ended up being the bad guy in that Scooby Doo movie. I also really hated his cousin Scooby Dum.

The Wonder TwinsZan and Zayna - It was these two that made the SuperFriends suck more than most other cartoons. When I was a kid, I loved Superman, Batman, pretty much all the SuperFriends. Whenever they had those stupid wonder dummies go on, I really felt robbed. They are, essentially, the Scrappy Doo of DC Comics. And if those two weren't dumb enough, they had to add that stupid monkey.

ThunderCats - What was bad about this show is that not only did I hate it, but it was my friend's favorite show, so I ended up watching this show a lot. It had such clever names for characters, like Lion-o, Panthro, Tygra, WilyKit and WilyKat, and Snarf. The show was just incredibly stupid.

She-ra - If He-Man and the Masters of the Universe weren't bad enough, they had to go do a girl version of He-Man.
Upper body shot of a young woman with long blonde hair, she is wearing a white bodice and skirt with a golden accents on the bodice. She also wears a red cape and a gold headdress. She is holding a rapier in her hands and behind her is an explosion of yellow sparks.

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Proposed Soundtrack for The Hunger Games

I just saw the move "The Hunger Games" and loved it. I've read all the books in the series and I thought that the movie did the book justice. This is very rare for a movie that is derived from a book. However, when I was watching this film, I had some songs go through my head that I felt would be more appropriate for the film, and here they are.

First off, when you see the screaming fans in the Arena, they should be playing AC/DC's classic "If You Want Blood (You've Got It)"

When we first see Cinna and that he is being played by Lenny Kravitz, I think that they should have played his song "Fly Away". I think that it would have been very appropriate for the movie as well.

I personally thought the phrase that President Snow used in his speech to kick off the Hunger Games, "May the odds be ever in your favor" is kind of silly, since he kind of set the odds to begin with. He should have said something more appropriate like "For those about to die, we salute you". I think it would have been more historically ironic. Anyways, that brings us to another AC/DC song, "For Those About to Rock".

And finally, when Katnis and Peeta are talking about death and trying to make it through the games, the main song that kept going through my head was Iron Maiden's "Die With Your Boots On".

Friday, April 6, 2012

World's Greatest Cartoons

Today I thought I would talk about something that is near and dear to all of us. Cartoons!! We've all watched them and there are still a few that we love. These are cartoons that I will sit down and watch with my kids and even watch again on Netflix. Here now are my favorites.

The Simpsons - I started watching this in 1989 with the pilot during Christmas.Simpsons FamilyPicture.png

Star Wars: The Clone Wars - I am very addicted to this one. Yes, I am very much a Star Wars geek.

Star Wars; The Clone Wars 2008 Intertitle.png

Bugs Bunny - I like the earlier cartoons best.
Classic bugsbunny.png

The Tick (Freaking hillareous cartoon that never caught on big)

Fat Albert and the Cosby Kids - Bill Cosby shows his comedic genius and actually gives worthwhile lessons as well.

Daria - She started out as a character in Beavis and Butthead, but eventually got her own show.
Daria logo.jpg

South Park - I am so offended by this show but I still love it.
Screenshot from an animated show: Against a background of snowy mountains and trees, four boys stand and wait at a school bus stop

The Rocky and Bullwinkle Show - Not only were Rocky and Bullwinkle great, but so were Dudley Do-Right, Mr. Peabody and the Fractured Fairy Tales.

X-Men - This is my favorite soap opera!

The Fairly OddParents - True silliness at its best.

Batman (1992-1995) - This is the Dark Night at his best, bordering on the edge of sanity.
Batman the Animated Series logo.jpg

Scooby Doo - I love all of the iterations except for those with Scrappy Doo.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Truth in the Media?

I have this radical idea. I know most people will call me an extremist for saying this,but here it goes. I think a news agency should report the news as honestly as they can, allow people to make their own decisions and let the political chips fall where they may.

When this Trayvon Martin story hit, NBC News released the 911 call from that night. The text that was originally released was

"This guy looks like he's up to no good … he looks black."

A transcript of the complete 911 call shows that Zimmerman said, "This guy looks like he's up to no good. Or he's on drugs or something. It's raining and he's just walking around, looking about."

The 911 officer responded saying, "OK, and this guy — is he black, white or Hispanic?"
"He looks black," Zimmerman said.
Read more:

I don't really want to pass judgement on whether or not George Zimmerman is guilty or if Treyvon Martin was up to no good or just innocently walk along in the rain. What I would like to pass judgement on is the media that covered this story.

I believe that NBC news and all those that followed behind them are guilty of media mal-practice. Why would they edit this transcript in such a way so that it inspired so much racial anger? Was it for ratings? Are they unwilling to let facts get in the way of a good story? Or is this another example of how their bias runs so deep that they cannot even recognize they have done wrong.  They may have apologized but they are only sorry they got caught. How many times have they done this where they have not been caught?

This reminds of the time when CBS News tried to bring down George W. Bush by faking documents and claiming he did not do his service in the National Guard. The ruse was pretty obvious when it was pointed out, but what other times have they faked news stories and got away with it?

Let's look at another case that was tried in the media. Remember the girl, Chandra Levy who was the aide to Congressman Gary Condit? The media told us that it must have been the congressman who murdered her because he was having an affair with her. I even thought Congressman Condit was somehow guilty. Turns out it was some guy nobody heard of named Ingmar Guandique. Congressman Condit was even able to sue many news agencies for libel. The news that Congressman Condit possibly killed his aide Chandra Levy and hid her body was a lot more interesting than some unknown criminal named Ingmar Guandique killed her. The truth be damned. Also, let's constantly mention how conservative the congressman is and not mention that he is a Democrat.

What about the Duke Lacrosse case. The whole Duke Lacrosse team was found guilty in the media of raping a poor innocent black girl. When the truth finally came out, we found that Mike Nifong, the former prosecutor, was just trying to advance his political career by stoking racial hatred. The girl was apparently only after fame and money.

The press has a history of bias and sensationalism. They don't want to allow facts to get in the way of a good story. They should not be trusted, particularly when a sensational story is being reported.