Saturday, April 7, 2012

Proposed Soundtrack for The Hunger Games

I just saw the move "The Hunger Games" and loved it. I've read all the books in the series and I thought that the movie did the book justice. This is very rare for a movie that is derived from a book. However, when I was watching this film, I had some songs go through my head that I felt would be more appropriate for the film, and here they are.

First off, when you see the screaming fans in the Arena, they should be playing AC/DC's classic "If You Want Blood (You've Got It)"

When we first see Cinna and that he is being played by Lenny Kravitz, I think that they should have played his song "Fly Away". I think that it would have been very appropriate for the movie as well.

I personally thought the phrase that President Snow used in his speech to kick off the Hunger Games, "May the odds be ever in your favor" is kind of silly, since he kind of set the odds to begin with. He should have said something more appropriate like "For those about to die, we salute you". I think it would have been more historically ironic. Anyways, that brings us to another AC/DC song, "For Those About to Rock".

And finally, when Katnis and Peeta are talking about death and trying to make it through the games, the main song that kept going through my head was Iron Maiden's "Die With Your Boots On".


  1. Ahhh, those of us from a certain age can appreciate these choices. Might I also add that "Heavy Metal Thunder" from Saxon or Ministry's "Burning Inside" for the arena scene would have worked well... but of course, the kids reading these books probably have no kids who Saxon or Ministry are (LOL!).

  2. Agreed. Both Ministry and Saxon would be great choices.
